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Original Description:
Sorry guys, I can’t post this on Twitter… plus I am the source.
(For those who don’t know what’s going on in the pic)
Gentle Sweet went hunting for bigger preys in Ponyville. (humans and probably more creatures are in Equestria now) She bump into a wandering human in a dark alley and politely ask him to remove his clothes. He was confused at first but did it anyway.
(What he thought would be his first blowjob from a pony, quickly turns into his arm being gulp down her throat and the rest of him in her hungry stomach.)
Gentle Sweet waste no time tasting her meal, but instead she takes time digesting her meal slowly. She doesn’t care about ponies gasping or staring at her. The only thing that matter the most to her, is the fat ass she’ll earned from hunting bigger preys~… Oh and yes she can be nommed, but she won’t be too happy about it. ;)