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Original Description:
Sidenote: The two forms were drawn on different programs, so the right one looks a lot wonkier than the left.
Parents: Prince Blueblood , King Thorax
Other Family: None yet
Full Name: Princess Parasprite
Nicknames: Bug Horse (only by Thorax), Parry (only by Legend)
Gender/Sexuality: In technicality, I headcanon that changelings have no actual physical gender, they just choose one or the other. So Sprite was born without a gender, but has now morphed into a female./ Pansexual
Relationship: Crushing on Legend, Crushed on by Legend, Solar Saber, and many others
Fun Facts:
She created her “normal” (pictured on the left) form after her family sent her to attend school in Ponyville, since she was being bullied constantly. She also has a full-pony form, but almost never uses it.
She can sense crushes and all-around love between ponies
While in her real form, she can use telekinesis and other common unicorn magic, but cannot while in her normal form.
She is a princess only among changelings, but is an honorary princess of Equestria due to being the grand-niece of Celestia
She is a very good flier, and has almost achieved a sonic rainboom.