Next Gen: RainbowDash
Rainbow Dash is fairly tiny, which she hates, but she more than makes up for it in her wing span. As a filly their size always threw her off, which garnered her the nickname Rainbow Crash. As she got older she learned how to utilize them which makes her one of the best fliers in Equestria. Unlike AJ, her tail is naturally short and just never grew much past the little bun fluff she’s got. It doesn’t bother her because that means it is not in her way as she practices her very awesome moves.
She also tends to compensate for her small size with her confident personality to the point where it borders on cockiness, though she’s always willing to back up her bravado (it backfires on her sometimes). She’s quieter about her love of reading, which she feels makes her lame (a insecurity she gained from bullies who picked on her in her youth) so she only shares her hobby with Twilight (who is always thrilled to read through series with her) and Fluttershy (she’s Rainbow’s most trusted confidant).