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((A look at based on the events of Secrets of the Dragon’s Tear and onward. How the moment Starlight let go of her vengeance rather quickly went down.
Starlight wouldn’t fully admit to Twilight why this happened until the events of SOTDT. And the reason she waited until then to tell Twilight why is still a bit of a mystery. (I mean other then the meta reason that the show never fully explained this, and in fleshing out Starlight for the story. It was sort of trapped with the flaw that Starlight probably would of mentioned this alot earlier if anything of this was canon. Though this flaw stems from the fact the show never really fully explored Starlight’s potential backstory). But this feels like a probable look into this Starlight’s head at that moment. A little bit of creative liberties after Twilight is done with what she also said in the show version. But otherwise could still somewhat fit.))