You give Bottle of Vintage Wine and 16 Gemstones to Dawn Break, 16 Gemstones and Torn Red Cloak to Sea Swirl, and 2 Cork Boots and 16 Gemstones to Sweet Biscuit.
You offer the worn dagger and half of the remaining gemstones to Moonflower, but she doesn’t have anything to carry them with, so you hold onto them for her.
Sweet Biscuit: “Thank you, Trailblazer! These are really nice.”
Sea Swirl: “Yeah, thanks! Oh, and if you want anything in return, you just ask, okay?”
Moonflower: “Yuh uh! Blazer is always super generous.”
Dawn Break: “I can vouch for that, and I have to insist on Sea Swirl’s offer. You never hesitate to do what you can to put a smile on everypony’s face, so if there ever is anything we can help you with, do let us know.”
The two other unicorns agree in unison. Furia Storm nearly rolls her eyes out of their sockets.
You say that you’ll keep that in mind, then ask your friends what they would like to do next.
Sea Swirl: “I’m going back to the beach! I haven’t gotten wet nearly enough for a day.”
Sweet Biscuit: “Uh… huh. Well, I heard there’s going to be a festival tonight, so I’ll borrow Aqua Skies’ oven to bake some treats.”
Dawn Break: “As for me, I should go check on Moondancer and make sure she isn’t hiding with a book somewhere. Old habits…”
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