Following the coast guard’s orders, your party gallops along the now deserted beach to Amblerta’s south district.
As you run, a loud static noise begins to fill your ears. You turn your head just in time to catch a glimpse of a lightning bolt shooting out of the creature’s tail.
A sharp, deafening crack echoes through the air as lightning strikes the sand behind you. Then, silence. Your ears begin to ring loudly.
You hastily make it back to the town roads, where you find unicorns channeling magic barriers along the outside walls. A hole opens in the barrier to let you through, then closes behind you.
After resting for a moment, the ringing subsides, and the distant alarm of the lighthouse’s bell fades in, along with the voices of your friends.
Moonflower: “… thing was a big meanie!”
Furia Storm: “So, why aren’t these sorcerers dealing with it? Ran out of banishment room?”
You ask Furia Storm what she knows about the creature.
Furia Storm: “Enough to tell you that picking a fight with it isn’t a good idea.”
An exhausted coast guard pegasus lands next to a nearby officer. You overhear their conversation.
Coast guard: “Officer! We won’t be able to keep that thing distracted much longer. We need reinforcements, and fast!”
Coast officer: “We have a fleet coming in from Vanhoover. Until it gets here, we’re on our own. Do everything you can to keep the enemy at bay while we evacuate the city.”
Coast guard: “Celestia have mercy…”
Furia Storm seems quite amused with the situation.
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