Kyoepelinvuorelle, p.1
With Lightning-Bliss, AeonOfDreams and FlameAmigo619
Also with references to Kyöpelinvuori, Blåkulla and the Diablo backwards message.Disclaimer: Mrs. Bliss, Mr. Dreams and Mr. Kritic each have the right to request removal of any art they feel misrepresents their respective characters.Page one (current)
Page two(The dialogue was a pain to figure out; by far the most difficult part of this comic. I damned near threw the whole thing away.
There’s a quote from H. P. Lovecraft: “No one knows whether or not he is a writer unless he has tried writing at night.” Well, this is the dialogue I wrote late last night, and eventually settled for. Whether that’s a good or a bad thing is up to you.)