“Uh… What’s the zebra word for guard?” She asks, scratching the back of her head.
Emerald tells her, and then pulls his knife out and attempts to cut himself loose. All the while Ruby is running around them screaming the zebra word for guard.
Unfortunately the knife gets stuck when he attempts this. He tries to think on what he could do. Enough water will dissolve most things, but he is quite sure it would take a lot of water.
Maybe the slippery potion will do something?
Carefully putting his focus away, he pulls out one of his slippery potions and pours it onto his knife first. Like water, the sticky potions flows off the knife, and Emerald shakes the weapon clean and puts it back in his holster.
He then carefully pours some onto his hooves, making sure not to put too much. He remembers last time he got covered in this stuff.
After he frees himself he sees a guard come from around the corner towards the noise. He attempts to speak with Ruby, but Emerald cuts in and informs him what happened.
He nods, and then pulls out a mini-vial from his belt and carefully uncorks, pointing the open end into the air. A small, red flare shoots out of it, and a few moments later guards start appearing one by one. It appears they have some slippery potion of their own, or something like it, as they begin to pull the attacker out of the sticky potion.
“You were very brave tonight, children. But why are you walking around during the night by yourselves? Where are your parents?” The first guard says, gesturing them to follow, “Come, let’s walk back towards the station.”
Inventory & Spells - http://pastebin.com/D5PzFgGv
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