Some time passes before you exit the bath, and dry yourselves off. Once back in the locker room, you retrieve your belongings.
You equip Star Hairpin, Magic Sword Scabbard, Tempered Simple Breastplate, and Trailblazer’s Magic Saddlebags.
Moondancer: “Well? Let’s see those items you found.”
You offer the shin guards and the tome to Moondancer, and she begins to identify them using her unicorn magic.
Moondancer: “These shin guards are forged with enchanted metal. They can deflect magic projectiles or beams that hit the front plate.”
Moondancer identifies your 2 Enchanted Shin Guards as 2 Mirror Shin Guards.
Moondancer: “As for this magic tome, the description of the spell it teaches you is written on the first page. The rest of the pages contain the spell itself.”
Moonflower: “Do you gotta read the whole book?”
Moondancer: “There are magic words written below the description. Reading them aloud will activate the tome, but it can only be used once.”
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