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Original Description:
Name: Bella Flutter Balloon
Nicknames: Bella Balloon, Bella, Bell
Age: 15
Species: pegasus
Gender: trans female
Sexuality: straight
Parents: Fluttershy (birth mother), Pinkie Pie (mother)
Siblings: Candy Cloud (younger sister)
Love interest: Dusk Gold (crush)
Children: none
Birthplace: Ponyville
Current residence: Ponyville
Occupation: weather pony
Birthday: 14th of December
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
Element: protection
Bella is an extroverted, jovial young mare full of energy and great dreams for the future. She is extremely kind, stopping by to help anypony in need, a habit she developed since early childhood with the help of her mothers. She often lacks self-awareness and can be really childish, but most ponies find this cute about her. She can also be really nosy. This usually comes from a good place of wanting to understand ponies’ feelings, but she often comes across as annoying because of that. She feels things really strongly as well and you better not upset her, or even worse, upset her loved ones, because that’s when the real beast comes out. Bella is really protective over those close to her and will put herself in great risk if their safety is ensured.
Random Facts:
-Bella wants to become a wonderbolt in the future since she has been an amazing flier since a young age, but she can’t apply until she’s 18, so for now she is following through Rainbow Dash’s hoofsteps and working as a weather pony.
-She basically aspires to be like Rainbow Dash one day
-Bella showed signs of wanting to be a filly since a really young age, but she sort of officially started her transition at 7, when she announced she preferred she/her pronouns in front of her class. Surprisingly, she was never bullied for being trans and pretty much evrypony adjusted to the transition really early, probably because Bella was already as feminine as she was.
-She has a naturally high voice thanks to her mothers’ genes, but even then she sort of has to adjust it and because of all of that practice Bella is really good at voice acting.
-She actually wears fake eyelashes since stallions have really short ones, and they help her amp up her femininity