You tell Crystal Charm about your quest, and ask her for advice.
Crystal Charm: “You’re asking me for advice? Don’t forget that the Oracle called upon you to look after her Chosen One. You should just trust your instincts!”
You say that you’ll keep that in mind, and while on the subject of instinct, you ask her if she is free tonight.
Crystal Charm: “Destiny waits for nopony, Blazer. We’ll hang out some more when you get back from your travels. Until then, I’m sure Moonflower can take good care of your butt. Isn’t that right, Moony?”
Moonflower: “You bet’cha!”
Moonflower hugs your hindquarters affectionately.
Moonflower: “Ooh! That reminds me, there’s somethin’ I left at your house I wanna bring.”
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