You mention that you came here to ask for advice.
Leaf Chaser: “Oh, right!”
Hoofingold: “Ahh, forgive me. Whenever somepony mentions one of my fillies, I can’t help but palaver! Now then, I’m listening.”
You tell Hoofingold that you recently got your brass horseshoes enchanted with pink sapphires. Although they seem powerful, you’re still unsure how to hold your own in battle.
Hoofingold: “Brass horseshoes, you say? Well, you’ve come to the right pony, for there is no better hoovespony in Hoofington than I!
You see, when I was your age, I trained day and night to become a master hoovespony. Just like you, I used enchanted gemstones to cast all kinds of spells, from fire blades to ice barriers!
One day, I came across a young mare by the name of Spirit Strike. She was a hoovespony in training as well, and a good one at that! But unlike me, she did not wear so much as horseshoes, let alone enchanted ones.
Each convinced that our method was the better one, we soon became rivals. However, no matter how many times we sparred, our matches always ended in a tie. Her fighting technique was quite impressive, but my magic always kept her from gaining the upper hoof! Ho ho!
Over the years, we slowly but surely learned to respect the different ways of hoovesponyship, be it magical or physical. So tell me, Trailblazer, which way are you interested in?”
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