‘‘The annoyance’’ heres a redraw of a picture sadly i do not have a picture but i do have a video of me drawing it before i redrew it. (Heres a little story)
‘‘Hey Lynneria~’’ lynneria perked her ears up to the sound of coraliss’s voice she then sighed and looked back at her book “ yes coraliss what do you want now..” ‘‘Do i always want something lynny” lynneria slightly turned around “yes you either want to annoy me on purpose or…oh yeah that’s it huh!’’ She then took a deep breath ‘‘and stop calling me that!!’’ Corie smiled slyly “what lynny..” Lynneria sighed shoving her face into her book ‘‘this will be a lovely afternoon.’’ Coraliss started to giggle she always loves seeing lynneria grumpy and annoyed!
#fluttercord #fluttercordfilly #mlpau #mlpredraw #mlpship #coralissmlp #lynneria #mlp