You and Crystal Charm continue to relax in the water for a few more minutes.
Crystal Charm: “Hey, Blazer, think we should step out before we fall asleep in here?”
You reluctantly agree, and languidly make your way back onto the bank by your belongings. After shaking some of the water off of your coat, a chilly breeze slips through the forest and sends a shiver down your spine, chasing the last of the water’s warmth away.
Crystal Charm: “A campfire would be nice just about now. Let’s grab our stuff and head to my campsite.”
You equip Star Hairpin, Lens of Honesty, Studded Armour, Trailblazer’s Saddlebags, and Brass Horseshoes.
Crystal Charm: “Oh, right! I almost forgot, I’ve only got one bedroll. And from the looks of it, you’re not carrying your own.
On one hoof, two ponies in a bedroll is a pretty snug fit. On the other hoof, you don’t really seem to mind that kind of thing.
Well, I’ll leave this one up to you. Would you like to spend the night out here, or would you rather head back to town and sleep in a real bed?”
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