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Original Description:
Boy and girl ran holding hand and giggling, hiding behind a building. They tried to hold their laughter as they heard heavy hoof steps around them.
“Was it wise to let them hide first…” Scootaloo said, casually lifting a car with her hoof, peeking under it, before lowering it back down. “It could take a while before we find them.” She said, looking around.
“Let’s spread, girl.” Applebloom grinned and trotted a little peeking around the buildings. “Nothing here.” She said, lifting her head.
“Hmm…” Sweetie Belle scratched her chin with her hoof. She said and tried to sniff the air. She stepped carefully along the street, almost like tip-toeing.
The human children waited, almost holding their breath as they saw one of the ponies searching them a little further when suddenly the giant form of Sweetie Belle stepped from behind the corner. Sweetie Belle grinned happily. “Found you!” She squaked which immediately caught the attention of Scootaloo and Applebloom. Scootaloo had even reared up over a building to take a wider look.
“Aah!” The human children giggled and turned to run away but their feet met nothing but air as Sweetie Belle lifted them both off the ground with her magic.
“Oh, you are not going anywhere.” She said with a giggle and hold them gently in her light green magic aura as the other Crusaders gathered around them. “Aww, this was fun, and we found you so fast too.” Scootaloo chuckled.
“Now it is your turn, try to find us all.” Applebloom said.