
part 2:…
here is the trasformation refrence from the movie…
oh boy! this is it, i’ll be going to the “final” chapter after all this time i finally made it, but i’m not done yet after the next chapter they will be an epilogue then the AU officially starts.
i made this comment to someone on my status post which i will put here…
“ya it’s not like that is a bad thing anyone would want to do something to prove someone wrong what happened to lanyon was his own falt not jekyll’s or hyde’s, i’m not sure if jekyll specifically wanted this but since that summery said so then why not huh?
also i don’t know by taunting maybe it was just the time period and how people talked that it’s more elegant or well idk how to put into words but one i could say is…wow, but anyways hyde was just asking if lanyon wanted to see this and see what he thinks, lanyon said yes but then hyde tells him what is going to happen and it happend, i would not call that bad but i guess after lanyon said yes it’s hyde’s chance to prove jekyll was right, idk it will be clear once i get to the “last chapter” if it does not say much about how jekyll feels during the event and it just said how the result effected him then i guess i’ll go for the summery said about that “Thus Hyde and, ultimately, Jekyll both have their revenge” which to me means eventually jekyll was ok with this
have you read the first chapters if so sorry for the mistakes it’s was very new at the time if not well sorry for the mistakes anyways”
so really no matter what i’ll always see hyde as not that bad i’ll explain what the characters mean or i put my own logic to it.
now a heads up the next chapter might have alot of pages and the art could not be as good if i do a long comic because my program is slow but i will get it done as soon as i can hopefully before december (which is the whole comic series not that one chapter) and the next chapter i’m just going to say jekyll is being biased trust me i feel like some parts it is when jekyll explains on how hyde feels, and somehow i will put jekyll transparent when hyde is out physically so it could be difficuly because i need to do the backgrounds so i have to do some crafty work here and the story could be all over the place because jekyll can talk in 3rd person and 1st person so no it’s not hyde talking is all jekyll but it’s going to be confusing so any mistakes i made if i realized it i’m sorry but w would probably not change it because it already took too long to get it done so oh well. sorry for sounding rude but i want to get things done but to prevent that i will read carefully and maybe research words or areas.
this is going to be some work but i will do it and then i can do my own thing, i already wrote down the epilogue diologe and going to do a new version of the cover so stay tuned.


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