Brony servers…
I guess this picture needs a bit of explanation.
So I made use of the “Start Playing” button as I usually do and get signed in to a brony server. Usually, I fear not fitting in at a server like that, but my ping was unusually good, so I decided to hang around. Again, as usual I notice my team has a distinct lack of medics, causing me to switch to one. That’s fine. I spend most of my time as medic for this reason.
Before long, me and a soldier named Rarity end up holding back the BLU teams advance, more or less on our own. Then a heavy named Applejack shows up too. I know it may seem like an odd thing to pick up on, but these two took care of me, and themselves better than most teammates I meet do. It’s rare that I get a medic buddy who escorts me to a health kit in cover. Naturally, I returned the favour by getting about three ubers out of them, before Applejack was finally struck by a crocket (whilst calling for my help ☹️).
I’m still not officially a brony, but I will admit that it’s growing on me. For example, I believe that these two characters aren’t supposed to like each other very much, so sharing a medic may seem a bit strange (or something). Regardless I rarely left Rarity’s side after that.
I’m really asking to get trolled on this one…. But I like the way it turned out to much to not submit it.