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Original Description:
From left to right:
Gabriella Sparkle: Mail courier, advice columnist in the local newspaper, wife to Spike and mom to Motley. Gabby moved to Ponyville when she got older, as Griffonstone was getting better over the years, she still prefered the company of her pony friends. Spent a lot of time hanging out with the CMC before they ran into Spike one day and Apple Bloom introduced them. The two non-ponies spent more and more time together, bonding over comics, the weird feeling of Not Quite Fitting In with their own kind, eventually forming a strong friendship. It wasn’t long after that the two started crushing on each other. Gabby currently works at the Ponyville post office and writes for her advice column thats printed every-other week. Under the pseudoname “Rita Ryder”, of course.
Gale “Motley” Sparkle: Baby boy, baby. Has an ever increasing number of aunts, uncles, and cousins. A curious dragon/griffon hybrid that likes soft things and sunbathing. Covered in a mix of grey fur, dark green scales, and light green feathers, with his wings and ears being more fin-like.
Spike Sparkle: Husband to Gabby, adoptive brother and assistant to Princess Twilight, father to Motley. One of the only dragons in recorded history to live among ponies his entire life. Spike also acts as an ambassador with the Dragonlands and Changeling Kingdom, being close with both of their rulers, and, some days, as a stay-at-home dad. He and Gabby spent a lot of time together as friends before the CMC got nosy as usual and tried to gently push the two together. The initial attempt was a mess, but it obviously worked out in the end. A few times, Spike has had to step in for Twilight
These three, along with Twilight and her wife & kid, all live in the castle that sits at the edge of Ponyville.