Applejack x Midnight Love(my OC)= Red Sphere, Swirly Apple and Tiny Hearty ApplePrincess Celestia x Discord= Princess Swirly Pastel Chaos and Prince Screaming ChaosPrincess Twilight Sparkle x Rainbow Dash= Raining Boom, Blue Lotus, Breezy(daughter of Rainbow Dash and Zephyr Breeze), Princess Starry DarknessPrincess Cadance x Shining Armor= Princess Blue(daughter of Queen Chrysalis and Shining Armor), Princess Crystal Dream, Princess Shattered Hope(daughter of Princess Cadance and King Sombra), Princess Starry ShieldPrincess Luna x King Sombra= Princess Poison Moon, Prince Red Moon GemFluttershy x Big Macintosh= Sweet Butterfly and Small CoreRarity x Spike= Dragora, Dazzling Gem and Cracked GemPinkie Pie x Cheese Sandwich= Icing Sugar and Lil’ Cheese