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TBH, Gareth would have gotten Sunfyre to wear the bunny suit anyway.
Artist’s Tidbit: A couple of Easters ago I did a project similar to this involving both Gareth & Sunfyre. The original idea I had at the time was to have Sunfyre wear an Easter Bunny suit and one other individual wear THE bunny suit, but I couldn’t get the poses right so I made something more simpler & had Sunny boy dawn the bunny suit. It gave me the chance to have Gareth make his debut. Looking back on that pic I opted to do a sort of remake of that pic.
I feel I did much better this go-around, although I might have made Sunfyre’s mane be larger than it needed to be. I also made a couple of color alterations to my O/FCs. In the end I’m quite content with the results. Oh, and before I forget…Happy Easter everycreature!
MLP FiM (c) by Hasbro/DHX & Lauren Faust
Sunfyre & Gareth belong to me