What is WishboneHeroes?
WishboneHeroes is an American fiction novel series written and illustrated by Cody Chamberlain. WishboneHeroes is an ongoing series that remains in production since 2006. Followed behind its novel book series, WishboneHeroes has its own Live-Action series called “WishboneHeroes: Live Action.” This Live-action is, however, just a spin-off of the novels.
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▶ DeviantArt: www.deviantart.com/bronywishbo…
▶ Furry Amino: aminoapps.com/c/furry-amino/p…
▶ FaceBook:facebook.com/SolarWishboneStudios
What is Solar Wishbone Studios?
Solar Wishbone Studios is an independent, entertainment studio. Presence in Film making and animation production.
The studio was founded in 2020 by Cody Chamberlain. Sharing shows, movies, and music videos created by the Solar Wishbone Studios team.
The team is also working on comics and books for the future series WishboneHeroes. Updates will be shown on our social media platforms.