Lost in the ocean mist, finally breaking through the clouds and seeing the approaching shoreline of the Dragon Lands, Captain Spitfire and her Wonderbolts gave off celebratory cheers and whistles. Spitfire’s cheers ended sooner than expected, and her smile quickly faded once she saw the pluming smoke and fires ravaging the lands ahead.
Most shocking of all, she witnessed the Radiance itself and a fleet of ships fleeing whatever chaos had ensued.
Waiting until the Radiance had broken through the smoke and clouds to make contact, Spitfire reached for the new-fangled communication bud in her ear. T.I.T.A.N. called it a “comms link”, a way of contacting others via radio without having to lug around heavier pieces of communications equipment. It was easier, quick and clean once she established contact.
“Spitfire to Radiance! Radiance, come in! Our airship is safe from the range of the storm and we are en route to your location for assistance! I repeat, Wonderbolts are flying in hot—!”
Rodan burst forth from the clouds, flying high with a terrifying roar wailing from his beak. With a flap of his wings, he swooped down and gave chase to the Radiance.
“Whoa!” Soarin shouted, lifting up his goggles mid-flight. “You guys seein’ what I’m seein’?!”