Original Description:
Top row (left to right):Starlight SparkleAge: 16Parents: Twilight Sparkle and Flash SentrySbiling(s): Dawn Light, Twinkle Shine (you’ll see them later)Personality (Traits): Not so bright, social, likes to hangout with friends, not a morning pony, navie, friendly, one who gives up to easily.More: Despite being born an alicorn, she can’t do magic as well, or control it.Color TwisterAge:15Parents: Rainbow Dash and SoarinSibling(s): Cascade, Cloudly Contrail, Azure(Blue), Angel(Yellow), Rouge(Red)Personality (Traits): Flirty, energetic, athletic, open, kind of self-centeredMore: She is bisexual and will get at anypony who looks attractive.Middle row:Valentine (Strawberry)Age: 15Parents: Fluttershy and Big MacSibling(s): Tree sapPersonality (Traits): Shy, kind, careful, she’s strong at heart, a family pony, she doesn’t socialize much with others outside her family and friends, loveable, sweet, gentleMore: Her parents call her Strawberry, and her friends call her Valentine. She’s very tall and slender, but unbelievably strong.Rocky RoadAge: 17Parents: Pinkie Pie and Cheese SandwichSibling(s): Lollipop Candy CrushPersonality (Traits): Sarcastic, careless(in a way), negative, hard to relate to.Bottom row:White SapphireAge: 18Parents: Spike and RaritySibling(s): Jade, Charoite, TourmalinePersonality (Traits): Very aggressive when it comes to protecting her younger siblings, protective, outgoing, mature, honest, sassy, wildish, strict, fashionable.More: Since nopony has seen a pony give birth to a dragon egg, they would just assume that it’s a hybrid, so ponies who don’t know her call her Hybrid (and her siblings too).Golden RussetAge: 18Parents: Apple Jack and Caramel (divorced), Countess Coloratura (adoptive mother)Sibling(s): Sweet SerenadePersonality (Traits): Kindhearted, drowsy, hard worker, chillMore: Well he is strong, a real country boy.