Aww yeah, we just couldn’t hold it in anymore~!
The Independent Clop Urination Pack (haha, Fearing hates that acronym <3! Love ya bro<3!)
Finally, a parody Colorful Equine Watersports themed art pack featuring 13 artists and 35 Unique Pee-filled pics for your entertainment including standard 2D images, 3D rendered images, and comics!! Getn’ wet n wild~!
YEP, it’s that one kink you have that you’re totally into, but waaaay too shy to ever admit it~!
Don’t worry, we won’t tell anybody~ ;3!
We made one with all main images in the same folder, but also made one organized by artist for those of you who like your pics that way. You’ll get to choose.
Full Disclosure of artists and ships included in both versions below, for you guys’ convenience-
Spoilers if you wanna save the ships for a surprise, but the pack includes:
ratofdrawn with a solo Applejack and a MarbleLime piece.
REDXBACON with a Tempest and a Shining Armor piece.
the-minuscule-task with a Zecora, a Silverstream+Gallus, a Sweet Biscuit, and a Captain Celaeno Piece, all anthro.
Yours truly, Frist with a solo Double Diamond, an AppleDash, an anthro GabSeed, and the cover with Celestia.
Caelcanthe , A.K.A. @Luxure-Poney with a Cadance and a Luna Piece.
marsminer-venusspring with a Cheerilee and a Ms. Harshwhinny Piece.
fearingfun with a mini Fluttercord Comic Page, and an anthro MacBloom.
Forsaken with 4 anthro 3D pieces with Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, Pear Butter, and The CMC’s.
Selenophile with a Twilight Sparkle with MANY variations of outfit, and a 4 Page Lunestia Comic.
mittsies with an interesting pair of Pinkie Pie Pieces.
kyokimute with a showered Rainbow Dash and a SugarMac piece.
skuttz with an anthro Sunset Shimmer, a Coco Pommel, and an anthro Rarity+Spikezilla piece.
and Skoon with an Eris (female Discord) and a Sphinx piece.
Once you’re done looking through, tell us what you thought! Fill out our feedback survey here!
And don’t hold back, we appreciate your honesty, and we can handle criticism. We want to make the next pack and those going forward more enjoyable and worth your while.
We hope you enjoy! And stay well hydrated, you naughty sexies~!