Original Description:
Twilight and her son Sunrise have always been at odds, rarely agreeing on anything. Arguments are frequent, as are punishments involving long quiet study in the corner. Despite its legality, Twilight generally dislikes marijuana and sees it as a dangerous mind-altering substance, a slippery slope towards harder drugs. She’ll admit that on specific occasions marijuana can be beneficial, but she feels its use should be medical only. Regardless of her feelings on it, she can’t legally stop her son from smoking, though she insists it be done outside.
Twilight is concerned however, because Sunrise’s use of the drug has become more frequent and he’s consuming larger quantities than he has previously. He spends a majority of his allowance purchasing the foul substance as well as various ‘accessories’ related to the habit. She had been considering drastic measures for some time now, but her latest spat with her son has solidified her decision. He had revealed, whether he intended to or not, that he relies on the drug to feel happy. She feels this dependence is unhealthy, and quietly makes arrangements for Sunrise to be taken to one of the only facilities in Equestria that would treat what she considers an addiction. They’ll come in the night.