Original Description:
The fruit of Bright Mac and Pear Butter’s love found true love himself. Here is another loving couple to join the Apples - Big McIntosh and Sugar Belle!
Silent but hardworking Big Mac has had moments with finding love, but like most relationships they don’t always stay afloat the first few times. At first, he was in love with Miss Cheerilee, but it wasn’t real love however. His little sister, Apple Bloom, and her two best friends, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, tried to give their teacher a very special somepony for Hearts and Hooves Day, and used a love potion to have them fall in love with each other, but it worked too well and proved to be more of a love poison. After breaking the spell, the fillies learned to never fiddle with love philtres again, while Big Mac and Cheerilee continued to be just friends. Later that year, Big Mac and the Apples were invited by Pinkie Pie to her family’s home for Hearth’s Warming. When they arrived, Big Mac became well acquainted with the equally shy and very cute Marble Pie. Those two really hit it off, even though they didn’t say as much as a “Mmhm” and a “Eeyup.” Too bad they didn’t see each other more frequently since then. Years went by, and soon Big Mac finally found the mare of his dreams - Sugar Belle.
He would make multiple apple deliveries to the baker Unicorn’s bakery in Starlight Glimmer’s old town, not only to help her out but also to see her. Apple Bloom Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo followed him to investigate his excessive deliveries, only to discover about his crush on Sugar Belle. They encouraged Big Mac to confess his feelings, but they all soon learned that Feather Bangs, a suave stallion, also had affections for Sugar Belle. The Crusaders helped Big Mac compete against Feather using grand, romantic gestures, but Sugar Belle was overwhelmed by their advances and rejected them both. Dejected, the Crusaders helped Big Mac prepare a more meaningful gift for Sugar Belle by building her a new display case like she always wanted. Sugar Belle was delighted and accepted Big Mac’s feelings, finally beginning a romantic relationship.
Despite being happy in each other’s company, Big Mac and Sugar Belle’s relationship did have a few obstacles. When Hearts and Hooves Day returned, Big Mac planned a Hearts and Hooves Day surprise for Sugar Belle. He sent her a romantic package that got lost in the mail and sent to Sweetie Belle by mistake. On his way to meet with Sugar Belle, Big Mac, and his friends, Spike and Discord, overheard her talking with Mrs. Cake. What heard sounded really disquieting. Sugar Belle was discussing about ending a relationship with somepony, and Big Mac assumed that she meant to break up with him. Heartbroken, Spike and Discord attempted to console Big Mac, with Discord suggesting he assert himself by breaking up with Sugar Belle before she would. After he did so, breaking her heart, Big Mac realized he had only been letting out his frustrations and returned to Sugar Belle to have a proper conversation over their breakup. Sugar Belle revealed that she never received Big Mac’s package and had actually planned to end her business relationship with her cousin so she could begin working in Ponyville. Realizing their miscommunication, they got back together. From there on out, Big Mac learned a lesson about proper communication.
Another year went by, and just before Twilight Sparkle would become the new ruler of Equestria, something really big was taking place. Both Big Mac and Sugar Belle were going to ask the BIG QUESTION! After a couple of years of being a mutual couple, they believed that they were meant to be together forever, and planned a surprise to propose marriage to each other, however they neglected to tell each other about it. They devised unorthodox methods to propose marriage, both of which involved a clue-note scavenger hunt: Big Mac prepared a load of apples with clues to lead Sugar Belle to Sweet Apple Acres, while Sugar Belle wrote notes for Mrs. Cake to insert into a batch of desserts she is making for Big Mac. Mrs. Cake’s baking-under-pressure with the Cutie Mark Crusaders soiled the recipes, and both plans went awry after Spike and Discord got involved, with Discord mutating the apples horrendously so Sugar Belle would notice them – resulting in a giant monster that bellowed Big Mac’s proposal when Discord attempted to mend this – and Spike accidentally burning the already-soiled desserts to a crisp. After both sides discovered that they had been working at cross purposes, Big Mac and Sugar Belle walked together to the apple and pear trees that were planted by Big Mac’s parents, and decided to propose to one another in private and happily accept, taking inspiration from the love that Big Mac’s parents had for each other. Their wedding was held in the orchards, with Spike, Discord, Mrs. Cake, the Crusaders, the Apples, Grand Pear, Burnt Oak, and Sugar Belle’s friends as witnesses and Mayor Mare as the officiant, just as she was for Bright Mac and Pear Butter. Another happy couple, and this time no severance between families. And in the far future, Big Mac and Sugar Belle now have a son of their own, and their love will always live on.