Original Description:
Page 1488 - The Unwanted Horde
28th Jan 2021, 6:00 AM in A Canterlot Wedding, Part 2The connected pan shot there in those last two panels makes for a genuinely intimidating tableau. It was hard to arrange the text in a way that doesn’t completely destroy the effect, but I saved a textless version anyway.match[1]>>2539409t
Twilight Sparkle: At least we made it ahead of the changelings, right?
DM: Weeelllllllll…
Twilight Sparkle: Oh drat, now I’M the one who spoke too soon!
Rarity: Happens to the best of us, dear.
DM: There are… a few changelings in the tower already.
Applejack: How much is “a few?”
DM: A few… dozen. Or so.
Pinkie Pie: Buh-wuh??
DM: There are thousands of changelings storming the city. The vault is safe, of course, but the hall outside is occupied.
Rainbow Dash: Darn it! I knew I should’ve flown on ahead. I’m probably faster than all these chumps!
Twilight Sparkle: But what about the spell to unlock the vault?
Rainbow Dash: Well… why’d we put the Elements in a place only a slow unicorn can reach?!
Twilight Sparkle: I’ll keep that in mind for next time.
Fluttershy: If there is a next time…