Original Description:
more Next Gen!
Full Name: Endearing Eclair
Common Name(s): Eclair, Claire, Freckle Butt (Coffee Cake only)
Parents: Rarity and Doughnut Joe
Siblings: Coffee Cake (twin brother), Emerald (half brother), Llinos (step sibling)
Info: Eclair and her brother are practically inseparable and even finish one anothers sentences. As a filly, Eclair was never interest in what other mares were and enjoyed sports more than anything. This often got her made fun of by the other fillies in her class but it never bothered her. Even on the worse days, her elder half brother, Emerald would remind her it was okay to be different. Growing up, Eclair loved making doughnuts with her father and twin brother. It seemed like the craft ran in her veins as she could make any kind of doughnut taste one of a kind. Most famous of her treats is her eclairs, made with a filling and icing she crafted herself. Now she works with her brother in a cafe which is quiet famous, drawing in even the most uptight ponies.
Full Name: Coffee Cake
Common Name(s): CC, Freckle Face (Endearing Eclair only)
Parents: Rarity and Doughnut Joe
Siblings: Endearing Eclair (twin sister), Emerald (half brother), Llinos (step sibling)
Info: Being the younger twin almost seemed like a curse to CC. His sister would always remark her two minute stretch in age and being the ‘youngest sibling’ made the stallion feel like a baby. This wasnt completely incorrect. CC is a softy, much more than his sister, the heathen, as their mother liked to call her. He cries at sad movies and wasnt too good at taking mean comments. As a filly, he and his sister both were picked on because of their ‘odd’ personalities and CC punished himself even more every time he cried in front of his bullies. Though just like Eclair, he had Emerald to push him through the rough patches. Even now CC is still a big ol cry baby with a big heart. He has both a love for baking and fashion. And though he isnt the designer like Emerald, CC can actually sew quite well.