Original Description:
Finished these gals to add to my collection of redesigns!I like the idea of Fluttershy being part deer, so in my headcanon, she’s half deer/half pegasus. Her brother is more pegasus than deer, due to their father’s strong pegasi genes. She grew her hair so long it drags against the floor, in which she has one of her friends help braid or tie it up.Rainbow Dash is the shortest of the six, and doesn’t think anything of it. She dyed her hair black and styled it much like the other Wonderbolts on her team, feeling much more like one of her idols. The scar on her face came from an accident, in which she saved a young pegasus from a dragon on a rampage just outside of the mountain range near Cloudsdale. Unfortunately, this somewhat ruined Dash’s trust with dragons.Next is Rarity, Spike and Twilight!