Original Description:
Originally posted on: June 3, 2015, 2:11 AM UTC
We Hope You Die IN A FIRE!!!
I was listening to The Living Tombstone’s 3rd FNAF song and I was imagining my own animation were it invoked BlueBolt and Juliet’s fillies.
Pinkemena hides somewhere in the pizzaria while Juliet, BlueBolt, Blazer and Jazzy are sleeping on stage. Juliwt hears hoofsteps and follows them without waking anypony up. Pinkemena jumps her holding a hatchet in one hoof. Stabbing the alicorn to pieces, thinking she’s a demon or imagining her as an animatronic pony, slicing her wings and cutie mark(s) off. Trying to escape, the now unicorn leaves a trail of bloody hoof prints and spattered blood is on the floor and walls, her limbs surrounding her corpse.
When BlueBolt and her fillies see this sight of their second mother, they become furious and attack the pink party pony. Blazer getting incredibly angry, stars using his magic and heaves anything he can pick up at Pinkemena, beating her to a pulp, earning his cutie mark in the process. Jazzy howls angrily, yelling at the party psycho to “die in a fire”.(Blazer does now have that cutie mark but this wasn’t really how he got it. Sorry if the description is a little long…^^; )
[This just took me FOREVER to do from scratch…I’ll probably color it when I have the time]