Lemon+Sunny= Martinette
As Crystal Prep’s most accomplished Hall Monitor, Martinette could be seen as a bit strict. However, with a little bit here, and little bit there, she might give everyone an impression of a diciplinary fanatic!
Sunny+Twilight= Tabby Teal
Tabby Teal strives out to be the very best! In order to do so, she works extra hard, built up her connection with the others, and anonymously blackmailing her rivals about their secret law-breaking activities! Remember, in order for one to succeeds, other must fail!
Twilight+Lemon= Spotlight
Spotlight literally lives for her music. Neglecting her school grades, parental approval, friendship and everything else are surely justified when she finally reach stardom with her awesome (but niche) songs, right? …right?
Lemon+Twilight+Sunny= Ivory Tower
Ivory Tower are technicaly just another teenage girl, except that she had scored a perfect Mensa test and possess the IQ level of 250. She might come off as a bit goofy, but thats just her refusing to connect to you at an eye to eye level. She is superior in many way after all, and she sadly intends to keep it that way.