Page 1480 - Inside the Dust Cloud
9th Jan 2021, 6:00 AM in A Canterlot Wedding, Part 2Difficulty comes in many forms beyond just chances of success.
DM: Now it’s the changelings’ turn, and this group of Fluttershies is going to attack the real Fluttershy.
Fluttershy: Um… But… That– That isn’t the real me. That’s one of the changelings disguised as me.
DM: Wait, really?
Fluttershy: Yeah, they shoudl be attacking the one over… there.
DM: Oh, okay. I see. <roll> <roll> <roll> They deal a combined 13 damage to… *WAIT, WHAT?!*
Shining Armor: Heh heh heh! I think she deserves an automatic success on Bluff for that one, buddy.
Fluttershy: Sorry, sorry! I didn’t mean to lie! I was going to say “I roll Bluff to pretend I’m one of them,” but… I panicked, and… it kind of… came out like that.
DM: Fine, fine, I’ll allow it. I appreciate the strategy. But these Rainbow Dashes, who saw the whole thing and now know for *sure* you’re the real Fluttershy, move in to attack.
Fluttershy: Uh-oh…
Rainbow Dash: Yeahhh… Just one problem with that.
DM: No…
Rainbow Dash: Yep, you can go ahead and check. Third one there? That’s me, baby.
DM: Wha… Why are you in the middle of a bunch of fakes?!
Rainbow Dash: Uh, because they attacked me last turn? 10 minutes ago?
DM: Oh… Oh yeah…
Rainbow Dash: And if they’re gonna move away from me, I get an attack of opportunity! <roll> BOOYAH! Natural 20!
DM: This is *my* gimmick. Why am *I* the one getting confused??
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