Rasta was desperate for these partnerships. With how the club was left to her during the handover, she would be lucky if anyone would take the offer. She had met with a few in her office. Some had declined seeing the state the club was in. Some had decided to give it a shot on lower conditions than offered. She took what she could.
Rasta: Ok… my last possible partna’ is… Casey Bleu? Huh.. one of the others said ta dress nice to see him. Guess I betta go home and get changed..
Once dressed, Rasta left for the meeting with the last investor. She reached the club The Bayou and was greeted by a mare in a dapper suit. The mare lead her inside, showing a classy club with dim lighting and smooth jazz music playing.
Rasta: I see now why I had to dress…. nice. I’m not getting this… Excuse me, I’m looking for a Mr. Casey Bleu
Hostess: Oh, he’s about to perform in a bit. It shouldn’t take too long, if you’d like to sit wait?
Rasta: Sure~ I’ll take a seat in the back here.
The hostess seated Rasta and then continued about with her job. After a few minutes, the lights on the stage change to a softer tone as a pianist in a suit best and fedora began to play. The pianist then looked up, a grin on his face as he began to sing in a deep voice.
Mr. Bleu: ~ Livin’ for tomorrow
Lost within a dream
Tryna find the answer to the question
And it seems that love makes the world feel good~
Rasta: THAT’S Mr. Bleu?!
Rasta’s face started to heat up. Her normally half-lidded eyes widened in surprise. Oh no…
Mr. Bleu: ~ Singin’ in the moonlight
Dancin’ in the rain
Let the sun shine through to lift your spirit once again
‘Cause love makes the world feel good
Chasing after rainbows
Somewhere in the sky~
The band on the far side of the stage behind him and the club filled with music as he stood up from his seat and sung into a microphone, stepping and dancing to the rhythm.
Mr. Bleu: ~ And it feels so good
Oh yeah
And it feels so good
Oh yeah
And it feels so good
Oh yeah
And it feels so good
Oh yeah~
Rasta: He’s… not going to want my partnership…. maybe I can run now… while there is still time
Mr. Bleu: ~ Riding on a rhythm, of hearts that beat as one
This feels like forever
And we’ve only just begun
‘Cause love makes the world feel good
Holding on the memories
Where smiles are still alive
Look into the future and it’s happiness inside
‘Cause love makes the world feel good
Walking through my past life
Where the days are full of joy~
As he did a quick heel turn and took his hat off, singing even louder when the music picked up to top volume.
Mr. Bleu: ~ And it feels so good~
Rasta: Why… aren’t I moving? He’s…gorgeous. WAIT NO! You’re here on business!
Mr. Bleu continued on with the chorus before picking up a saxophone that was leaning against the piano and joined with the band to play off the rest of the song. The music came to an abrupt stop and the audience clapped, some whistling in a cheer for Mr. Bleu and the band, whom bowed in a “thank you” to the crowd. Mr. Bleu stepped down as the smooth jazz music continued to play, the hostess from before approaching him and pulling him aside to speak to him.
She was panicking, Maybe if she was quick and sneaky like the bat she was made from… she could leave before he saw her. She downed her drink….wait… when did she get this?
Rasta: I…really zoned out during his…magnificence.. WAIT NO!
The hostess pointed towards Rasta at the table and Mr. Bleu looked right at her, giving a smile with partially closed eyes before before he nodded to the hostess and started walking towards Rasta.
Rasta nearly choked when she looked over and saw… HE’S COMING…
Rasta: Why didn’t you fucking RU—
She got up to greet him, her eyes, back to normal and smiling softly
Rasta: A wonderful performance, Mr. Bleu~
Mr. Bleu: Thank you, you’re as kind as you are lovely.~ reaches his hand out to shake You must be Miss Rasta Jam.
Rasta: Blushes a bit, her neck fur fluffing Please…just Rasta works nicely~ Reaches out to shake hands
Mr. Bleu: takes her hand and kisses it Good to know.~ smiles at her One of your employees called me earlier. Something about a partnership proposal?
Rasta: Huh….? Oh yes! I do. Perhaps we can discuss this somewhere your patrons won’t be disturbed.
Mr. Bleu: Of course. Come, we’ll take this to my office.~ starts walking for a door at the far corner of the building next to the stage
Rasta: Nervously watches him as he makes his to this office, followed closing behind. Of course, Lead the way?
Mr. Bleu walked, but soon came to an abrupt stop as an employee called for him, asking for a quick moment of his time.
Rasta, lost in thought and trying to keep her mind clear, didn’t seem him stop. She bumped into his tall frame. A bat like squeak escaped her as her chest his the small of her back and get gut for walked in by his rump. She rubbed her nose, which got smacked into his back.
Rasta: SQUEAKS Oof! Ouch..
Mr. Bleu: head turns around like an owl’s, ears perked Are you alright? I’m sorry about that, heheh.
Rasta: yeah… I’m ok. mumbles and runs her muzzle
Mr. Bleu: turns his head back around to face front and talk to the employee Can this wait for a few minutes?
Employee: Oh, yes sir.
Mr. Bleu: nods and opens his office door Come in, Rasta.
Rasta walked into his office, her cheeks still red from accidently running into him. Mentally cursing, she had a seat, wondering if she could call this off right now.
Rasta: Floor…swallow me whole…
Mr. Bleu: sits down in his desk chair and takes off his hat, sitting straight up and looking at Rasta So, about this proposal..? Looks her straight in the eyes, looking more serious
Rasta’s ears perk and she looks at him for a minute. Business. He wanted to hear business.. Ok. Time to talk business and hopefully not screw this up.
Rasta: Right..um. I propose a partnership. Our two clubs would be helping with promoting the other. Advertising space without each. Promotional collaborations and events. Profits from each would be split depending on where it’s hosted. I propose for splits like that 60/40 depending on the hosting club. that is a negotiable number.
Her nerves were jumping all over the place. Rasta was super happy he couldn’t see her hands as those were shaking too. But she kept reciting the planned proposal.
Mr. Bleu listened intently to the whole business proposal, his eyes not leaving Rasta for even a second. Once it was finished, he blinked a few times before thinking quietly, giving his goatee a bit of a scratch.
Mr. Bleu: Hmmm…
Rasta felt like he was staring into her soul…or trying to. It was hard not to stare back and damn his eyes were so… beautiful. No…NO! Business time!
After a few moments of silence, Mr. Bleu smiled and his ears perked up.
Mr. Bleu: Okay! You’ve got yourself a partnership.
Rasta: …really? internally cringes at why she said that
Mr. Bleu: Heheh, yes. I’m intrigued. I get the feeling this will greatly benefit both of clubs.
Rasta: Um… great! Then I hope you’ll come to opening night…The club renovations are almost done, just have to finally fix the ventilation system…but all the other partner clubs will be there.
Mr. Bleu: Excellent. I’ll be there. Puts his hat back on, reaching his hand back out to shake Pleasure doing business with you.
Rasta: Reaches to shake his hand Pleasure too… I mean talking to you, Mr. Bleu.
Mr. Bleu: Please, call me Casey.~
Rasta’s mind bluescreened for a second.
Rasta: Then..uhh a pleasure talking with you, Casey. Oh…I almost forgot. Here… I’m still getting cards made, so Let me give you the club number, in case you need anything.
Casey: Thank you, Heheh. I’ll be sure to call for you.
After a quick exchange of numbers was made, their meeting concluded and Rasta was on her way back to The Around the Seas , her own Nightclub… night club
Rasta: I forgot to tell him it was a NIGHTCLUB!!!