10.Life is a Runway - Rarity being inspirational while looking fabulous.
9. My Past is not Today - Sunset Shimmer sheds the last trace of her old self and becomes a new person.
8.So Much More To Me - Fluttershy being adorable for 2-3 minutes while singing a song that totally relatable to me.
7.Good Vibes - Just remember: just one small act of kindness can make a big difference.
6.I’m on a Yacht - It’s a rap song sung by MLP characters; what more can I say?
5.Shake your Tail - Despite their differing interests, the Humane 6 find a way to band together to make something fun (wish they were this communicating in Rainbow Rocks).
4.Coinky-Dink World - It’s basically a shipping song (I’m not kidding; watch the music video for this song).
3.The Other Side - Is it hot in here, or is it just me?
2.Cafeteria Song - It’s an inspirational song rallying students to favor Twilight Sparkle over Sunset Shimmer.
1.Friendship Through the Ages - It wasn’t intended to be, but I consider this to be FIM’s post-mortem song (yes, moreso than the Magic of Friendship Grows). FIM may be gone, but the message it conveys never will be.
Honorable Mention: Five to Nine - Catchy song, but I don’t know what to say about it other than that.
Here’s a little fun fact: A True True Friend was not only the first FIM song I ever heard, but it’s what introduced me to the series!
Disclaimer: This “top 10” image is my opinion, so you’re free to agree or disagree with it.