Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Napsack on image #2736868

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Senior Moderator
Glare Mare
Alright, critique time then.

A lot of your lines in this look fairly wonky, I'm afraid. I assume you draw with a mouse? I realize tablets are expensive, but most art programs have vectoring tools of some kind. I recommend looking up where to find them and how to use them, as they make drawing clean lines much easier.

I can also see what straight lines there are have more dramatic angles to them, rather than gradual curves or anything like that. If this is a stylistic choice I can understand, but if you want your art to be somewhat more realistic then I would recommend more gradual, natural curves.

As "@[==@acres ==]":(/images/2736868#comment_16057) said, practice makes perfect. Look up references of things if you want to draw them accurately, as it always helps to have an idea of what something should look like in front of you when dealing with it.

Oh, and also: [spoiler]||You forgot the horn.[/spoiler]||
No reason given
Edited by Napsack