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Oh Sombra. . . What did they do to you?
welp i just spent 20 minutes adding tags, rip.

safe2250733 derpibooru import1643648 ahuizotl962 apple bloom64178 applejack211662 autumn blaze5814 big macintosh35464 bon bon19764 chancellor neighsay929 cheerilee11737 coco pommel7582 coloratura3703 cozy glow10990 cranky doodle donkey1226 daring do7404 derpy hooves59992 diamond tiara12912 discord39011 dj pon-334539 doctor caballeron912 filthy rich1333 fizzlepop berrytwist9507 flam2494 fleur-de-lis4903 flim2617 fluttershy273096 garble2243 gilda11848 grampa gruff486 grogar1808 king sombra18064 lightning dust5531 limestone pie6652 lord tirek6774 lyra heartstrings35812 marble pie8975 maud pie15719 mean twilight sparkle945 moondancer6503 ms. harshwhinny2922 night glider1576 nightmare moon21442 nurse redheart4645 octavia melody28910 pharynx1370 pinkie pie270247 pony of shadows685 princess cadance43243 princess celestia118997 princess ember9023 princess luna123731 queen chrysalis44853 rainbow dash294955 rarity229520 roseluck6427 scootaloo62276 shining armor29745 sphinx (character)1033 spike95869 spitfire16452 spoiled rich1598 star swirl the bearded2348 starlight glimmer63573 storm king1442 sugar belle3843 sunburst9377 sunset shimmer85059 sweetie belle60451 sweetie drops19763 tempest shadow18561 thorax5570 tree hugger3617 trixie82935 twilight sparkle372485 twilight sparkle (alicorn)151725 vinyl scratch34604 zecora11709 alicorn427589 centaur4642 changedling11342 changeling81857 changeling queen41988 donkey2649 draconequus21929 dragon114222 earth pony627364 goat2250 griffon37227 kirin16255 pegasus695411 pony1918304 sphinx2456 unicorn685441 zebra25502 my little pony: the movie20340 alignment chart61 chart1010 cutie mark crusaders23251 female1703082 filly98332 flim flam brothers1477 headcanon3086 king thorax3481 male511543 mare920294 personality21 prince pharynx889 stallion182023 storm creature128 text95563


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A toast - Incredibly based
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Book Horse - A user who has contributed to 5k+ metadata changes.
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Ghibelline Omnipotens
How is season 2 and beyond Luna rebellious? She’s one of the rulers. Her duties watching the night and dream walking are different, but they’re still about maintaining Equestria’s equilibrium.

He actually didn’t care to rule over what he conquered. He was just conquering for the sake of it, and taking priceless artifacts and treasures. The comics leading up to the movie detail his reasons and what led him to Equestria in the first place; he originally didn’t even care it existed before one of his underlings pointed it out to him.
He’s absolutely an anarchist.
A toast - Incredibly based
Fried Chicken - Attended an april fools event
Book Horse - A user who has contributed to 5k+ metadata changes.
Chatty Kirin - A user who has reached a combined 1000 forum posts or comments.
Liberty Belle - Sings the song of the unchained

Ghibelline Omnipotens
How is the Storm King an anarchist? He was the emperor of a nation-state equal to or greater than Equestria itself.