So Equestria Daily is having an OC Day this Sunday, and so what better way to celebrate that than with my 2 OCs. Granted, I am very reluctant to draw them sometimes, given that their images don’t do as well as my drawings of canon characters, not to mention it seems like everyone hates them for some odd reason (at least on Derpibooru). But maybe that has to do with me drawing them. After all my art is pretty bad. So now that I am in a position where I can afford to get commissions, other artists will be able to draw my characters. Hell, the 2 commissions I got were really good, far better than what I can do. But perhaps someday I’ll do a drawing of my OCs that doesn’t turn a mass of dislikes, and I would like to flesh them out with stories on FIMFiction (once I finally get the inspiration to actually finish a story on there).”