Two more variants available **here. **
Big thanks to both friends and commissioners who took part in this YCH! You are all lovely people!
In alphabetical order the OCs present are:
Archex | Atlas | Carbon Copy | Cloud Weaver | Conicaw | Crimson Fist | Crimson Uppercut | Crystal Tundra | Dizzy Strings | Fidget | Fizzy Pop | Glitch | Home Slice | Honey Fall | Huracata | Inferno | Kyren | Lightning Blast | Paamayim Nekudotayim | Phase Noise | Pine Berry | Pluto Planitia | Protoqueen Bountiful | Radiant Nimbus | Rosalia | Sable Quill | Sam Radiance | Scarlett A La Creme | Scope | Sektiss | Shadow Strike | Snow Pup | Swift Strike | The Box Ghost Pony | TTT guy | Wheelie Rims!
I did my best to tag them all appropriately where applicable so check ‘em out!
As for the image itself, I definitely spent WAY more time on the compilation than I should’ve but I just had to get the recreation perfect and that took quite a lot of referencing. It ended up looking kinda busy hence the alternate version without all the UI elements. I also restricted the character names to 10 characters so I hope no one is bothered by the shorthands. :P
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Edit 03/12/2020: Added signature