And then the giant helium tank’s trigger fell off, broken by the recent collision with Octavia’s face. It bounced off the front of her inflated belly and hit the floor with a metallic clunk!— snapping her back to attention just as the helium flow sped up to twice, three times faster than before. “Hmhmmmhmmm…” she whimpered between cheeks puffed out as large as grapefruits, as she stared down at the nozzle pumping more and more gas into her. Unconsciously, she tried to reach forward once more to push the tank away—but her swollen legs could only wiggle about a foot in any direction. And even that range of motion was slowly shrinking, as her legs had begun to sink into the inflated doughnuts of her shoulders.
Her legs swollen too stiff to move, and stranded atop a belly seven times wider than normal and still growing, Octavia was truly immobilized and helpless. “Mmmmhh…” She folded her ears back, until— Fwip! Fwip!—they inflated as well, yanking even that small degree of freedom out of her grasp.”
Bigger and bigger~ Read ahead if you like!