Nightlight and Starlyre are autistic. For these two Aspies, some of their closest bonding moments are when they share a common fear. One such fear is places full of bright lights and sound. They are prone to sensory overload. Together, Nightlight and Starlyre help each other face their fears!
If you are autistic, if you’re prone to sensory overload, and you’re not ashamed to say so – or if you have a loved one who has these things – then this is a T-shirt for you! T-shirt available here:
Nightlight is an autistic unicorn, in training to become a princess. She must learn how to be a friend – and build a world of friendship. With the right attitude, Nightlight finds that autism is not her limiting factor! Anyone can learn how to connect with others. Moreover, she learns that social skills are not as natural as they’re cracked up to be.
Starlyre is also an autistic pony, training to become a prince. He is slightly older than Nightlight, and he used to be much like her at her age. Now he’s a stallion with many healthy friendships!
Nightlight has been given a special project: Move to the town of Friendsville and learn to make friends with the whole village. To be a good princess, she must connect well with her potential subjects. Starlyre has been assigned to the same project – and he’s been assigned as Nightlight’s mentor.
Starlyre finds that being a mentor is much harder than he expected. Starlyre doesn’t tend to melt down anymore – but conflicts with Nightlight can sometimes re-trigger him. In addition, Starlyre doesn’t always feel capable of helping Nightlight with her phobias. You might think that two Aspies would more easily relate to each other. This is only partly true. Each Aspie has their own unwritten rules about how they want people to interact – rules they may not be conscious of. Neurotypicals may often follow more predictable patterns.
At first, Starlyre thinks he has to be the great teacher – a nearly perfect role model. Later, he realizes that he and Nightlight need to learn together. He and Nightlight are much stronger when they support each other. In the end, he finds himself happy just to be one of her best friends!
To support this project, here is my Patreon page: “”
Pony drawing by Parcly Taxel. Rest of of design done by me (M. Wayne Howell).