10. Crusaders of the Lost Mark (My Little Pony Friendship is Magic): Here we have the long awaited episodes where the kind, strong, and brave Cutie Mark Crusaders (Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo) get their cutie marks at long last. And a lot of people seem to hate this episode because of that and Diamond Tiara’s redemption. Now I’m gonna say this, I don’t entirely mind those elements. I mean, it’s pretty understandable that Diamond Tiara wants to be someone that she wants to be instead of always listening to her mother’s constant commands. And it was pretty interesting to see the Crusaders realize their true destiny and talents, leading them to finally getting their cutie marks.
9. The Last Problem (My Little Pony Friendship is Magic): Now a lot of people have said things like “Oh the entire finale of MLP Friendship is Magic is just one big joke” etc. and even though I wasn’t entirely interested in this future-glimpse episode, it actually seemed pretty cool to find out what The Mane 6’s lives are like in the future.
8. The End of the End Parts 1 and 2 (My Little Pony Friendship is Magic): Again, there have been a lot of people who have called the finale of MLP Friendship is Magic a “joke” simply because they hate the later seasons without even fully giving it a chance. I actually thought this was a pretty awesome finale. I mean, it’s nowhere near as amazing as Canterlot Wedding, Twilight’s Kingdom, and To Where and Back Again (which we’ll get to later on in this list), but it was still pretty amazing, and I’m glad that in the end, instead of being redeemed; Queen Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow got turned into stone, since they were truly evil. And Pinkie Pie with Discord’s powers was honestly pretty hilarious.
7. Magical Mystery Cure (My Little Pony Friendship is Magic): While I wasn’t entirely a huge fan of this episode, I honestly find the hate for this episode pretty mind-boggling. People have been calling this episode “The Sonic 06 of MLP Friendship is Magic” and that’s mainly because of Twilight getting her wings and becoming and Alicorn. And in all honesty, I actually like Twilight as an Alicorn. I mean, it’s a great way to help develop her character more since she’s now the Princess of Friendship, so I honestly don’t get the whole “Anti-Alicorn Twilight” stuff, it’s just ridiculous……..
6. I Am My Monster (Steven Universe): To quote my friend :iconchikoritaluv: “If you ask me, all those people saying it’s too melodramatic and sentimental have obviously never had any actual experience with depression or anxiety. Sometimes life IS melodramatic and sentimental, and the worst thing you can do is suppress those feelings until they become corrupting. Moreover, there’s nothing shameful about being given a goddamn hug to comfort you when you’re going through some rough times. It actually does help, guys.”
5. A Single Pale Rose (Steven Universe): This episode has gotten a LOT of controversy from the Steven Universe Fanbase when it revealed that Rose Quartz actually WAS Pink Diamond all along. To quote myself from my “Top 10 Characters Who Deserve Better” list, “I don’t entirely think Rose Quartz, a.k.a. Pink Diamond, is that bad of a character. I mean sure she started off as a spoiled brat who wanted her own colonies and armies, but as she began to learn more about Earth understand the important of life on Earth, she began having a change of heart. A lot of the fans say she was never redeemed or reformed, but clearly, her entire journey on Earth as Rose Quartz, SHOWS how she had a change of heart and became a better character.” So like Greg, she was trying to become a new person leaving behind an abusive family.
4. Reunited (Steven Universe): It’s actually pretty sad that a lot of people are calling this one of the absolute worst Steven Universe episodes of all time. Mainly because of the whole Ruby and Sapphire wedding concept, I even saw a thumbnail for a video of it that said “They risked good storytelling for representation.” Now even though I myself am straight, I actually support gay couples and actually think it’s great that LGBTQ is being represented in cartoons. And for those who are like “they add it in for no reason other than fan service,” even if that was true, there are still are plenty of other reasons why it’s added in. And I didn’t mind the Yellow and Blue Diamond battle either, because besides Rose/Pink Diamond (who truly was redeemed earlier), I personally believe Yellow and Blue (especially Blue) are the only Diamonds that could be redeemed (I’ll get to that later on).
3. The Future (Steven Universe): I really loved this episode not only because it shows how Steven decides to explore more of his world; but the scene where Steven gives gifts to Lapis, Peridot, and Bismuth (especially Lapis and Peridot since they’re my two most favorite characters in the entire show); was my most favorite scene in the show that I’ve seen in awhile. Steven giving Peridot his shirt from when he was younger, giving Lapis an art set and inspiring her to possibly become an artist, and even though I wasn’t into Bismuth as much as the other characters, I loved it when Steven gave her the original Crystal Gem flag. All of these different parts of this scene mainly put me in tears of happiness because it reminded me of how I got into Steven Universe in the first place. You see, back in early 2016, my friend :icondashietheytp: told me all about Steven Universe and how cool it was, and how much of a hilarious and great character Peridot was. So I looked it up, and saw so many things that made me love the show; including the extended theme song, Stronger Than You, Peace and Love, and obviously plenty of Peridot’s cool and hilarious moments. And eventually, as I learned more about the show, I learned about Lapis and began to appreciate her too. Despite some of the Lapis controversy from a majority of the Fanbase, I actually think she and Peridot are pretty cool characters. I seriously don’t get much of the hate for this episode, it was such an amazing finale.
2. To Where and Back Again Parts 1 and 2 (My Little Pony Friendship is Magic): This episode of MLP Friendship is Magic, is a MASSIVE guilty pleasure of mine. This was one of my all time most favorite 2 Part Episodes of all time. I thought it was cool that Queen Chrysalis and the Changelings returned and this time tried to kidnap anyone who could stop them, I also love how Discord joins Starlight’s group to save them as well. All and all, I thought this was a pretty neat finale to Season 6. Unfortunately though, a lot of people hate this 2 Part episode mainly because of the whole anti-Starlight Glimmer stuff. And while I’m not entirely a fan of Starlight, I don’t really think she’s bad either.
Only 2