Deep Cover Field Agent [REDACTED], initial containment report.Near the shores of [DATA EXPUNGED], on ██/██/20XX, a contagion-like phenomenon was detected, affecting ██ young women. The phenomenon, thaumic and ecto-entropic in nature, causes an irreversible species change to every human subject that comes in contact with an affected human. Observed changes include inflammation, limb destruction, respiratory and several organic shifts, leg atrophy, gill formation, teeth sharpening and general body transformation. Subjects lose their legs and gain a piscine tail, consistent with the traditional description of the mythological mermaids. Initial recovery of affected subjects was a partial success, with █ instances captured and ██ unaccounted for.Coordinated efforts with the ███████ Navy and our agents are underway to recover and interrogate the affected victims. Two local and very well known police officers were transformed during the recovery efforts, █████ Chaser and █████ Fly. Both former human women expressed understandably their discomfort at the situation. They also declared that they had seen the initial instances of the phenomenon, but dismissed them as “crazed cosplayers”, after initially having chased two of them for having stolen a red moped through town.The Special Containment First Aid kits (which include a portable Scranton Reality Anchor) have proven ineffective at returning the women to their former human forms, more observation, isolation and testing is underway.
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