After the hypnotized Pinkie accepts her new programming, Miss Sweetwater snatches off Pinkie’s magical geode (an object she knows can cause as much trouble as it’s owner) and stows it in her pocket along with her watch before snapping her fingers to awaken the pink-haired girl from her trance. To her satisfaction, Pinkie (upon snapping back to reality) instantly displays a significant change in personality by looking at the counsellor with a completely blank expression and thanking her (in an emotionless, monotone voice) for the ‘rejuvenating’ hypnosis session before asking if she can leave so as not to be tardy for her next class. After Miss Sweetwater gives her permission, the former party-girl turns on her heel and walks out the door without giving so much as a slight giggle. As she watches the brainwashed teen walk away, Miss Sweetwater can’t help but feel quite content with herself and entertains the idea of making hypnotic alterations to the minds of some of Pinkie’s friends, starting with a certain rainbow-haired athlete….