They divorced when she was a foal, so she has little to no memory of them living together. She lives mainly with Fluttershy in her cottage, but occasionally visits the Apple Farm to spend time with her extended family. She sees both parents equally and they are both amicable with one another. Sunny has many half-siblings on her father’s side of the family. [pictured: Apple Blossom]
Sunny’s a bit shorter-than-average, which isn’t a problem - she claims she’d be more aerodynamic that way. Would be, if she actually practiced her flying. She’s mostly talk, no show, and has a bit of an ego and sassy tongue. When she is seen flying, it’s often closer to the ground. She’s trying to get over her fear of heights, but so far no luck.
Sunny Days is currently enrolled in the Wonderbolt Academy, thanks to Stormy’s connection through his father Soarin’. Fluttershy only let her go if Stormy went with her, so that he could keep an eye on her - and he does. Both he and Fluttershy are constantly worried she’d do something reckless.
Her Sin of Animosity is Sloth, so she’s perpetually lazy, which is a big part of why she hasn’t accomplished much where someone else wasn’t involved in helping her get to. As a child, Fluttershy wound up doing her homework for her. Fluttershy could put her hoof down sometimes, but it wasn’t always easy to say no when Sunny asked her ever so sweetly to help prevent her from failing out of Miss Cheerilee’s class.