gifting RT here a brand new shiny watch (even if it is because she tends to be tardy a lot because of her aloof nature) it is a very thoughtful and welcomed gift!
Though he may seem a stallion of only a few words when he is so deep into his work, he really does have a heart of gold and is always try to find new ways of improving the lives of pony kind in small meaningful ways. He can’t shake the Blueblood in him though no pun intended and he does seem to emit a visible look of pride when he has created something that has gone down well with it’s recipient, and why shouldn’t he? that hoofty work and master craftmanship can’t be performed by just anypony.
Nonetheless this thicc boi is just hoping that the little gift makes RT on time now when she is due for some carrot stew with her best friend CC :) (Smile)
Written and Illustrated by :iconrainbowtashie: