Request fromwho wanted a pic of his OC with Braeburn. Sorry guy, I couldn’t find your note on what it was you wanted so I went for a sort comic-y action pic as, despite Braeburn being a Cowboy, theres very few of him in such circumstances… in fact while were on the subject, why is Braeburn getting rammed in every fan art I see him in? I mean I know he’s a “sexy pony gawd” but seriously, I’m starting to feel bad for the poor sod. All that butt hurt…
Anyways I didn’t colour it as my pens are running low and I think it looks kind of cool black and white, not to mention folks seem to like colouring my stuff. I may go back to it if Eclipse wants me to. It was a jar to scan as you may notice its a tad darker then my other line artz.Anyways, Braeburn, apparently theres a law that says I MUST be gay for him.
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