Originally posted on: Aug 1 2020
This meme was from a while back, but I wanted to draw this one out and by golly I finished it!I used to play Neopets back in college when it was a relatively new thing. Was an alright way to waste time. I don’t play Pokemon, but my family does, so everything I know I learned by watching them play. I did enjoy the Detective Pikachu movie. Corrin, cause I’ve just started getting into the fire Emblem games and they’re pretty neat. Tempest cause she’s a pretty awesome badass that was a highlight of the pony movie. I used to watch Adventure Time, but fell off the wagon somewhere halfway through the series. I did like the alternate Fiona and Cake arc. That was fun. And yeah, I did watch Sailor moon way back in college when it was a thing. Ami was way underappreciated. :3
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