“Calm down Star, it’s only been a week.”
“A week too long. I WANT TO GO OUTSIDE, I wanna hang out, I NEED SOMEONE TO HOLD MY HAND.”
“We could hold hands virtually Star.”
“ITS NOT THE SAME……Can I come over to your place?”
“You wha-“
“Can I? You wont say no right?”
“Star…no please stay at your place, we need to social distance.”
“FUCK IT! I’m coming over!”
“STAR!! WAIT NO DONT!!! UGGhhhhhhh Capper say something!”
Capper’s to busy scrolling through his socials and listening to music
Someone’s not handling the social distancing well. Starlight is a known social butterfly so she’s taking it harder then she thought. Tempest is a bit bummed but is handling it like a normal person. Capper couldn’t give two shits on what’s happening, he can occupy himself with about anything. As far as I know his house could burn and he wouldn’t blink an eye (ok that’s a lie)