It looks like RT has fallen for the empress’s charms.
Though Sacer has no use for the Nintendo butt so she ‘tries’ to send her away, that hasn’t worked yet though.
Her majesty would never usually turn down such a willing and loyal subject but sadly RT has no skills that could be well utilised for her plans, she can’t even be a beverage servant because of her absolute clumsiness, though her devotion means she will probably spared from her nefarious ideas for now, at least until Tashie really gets on this girls nerves.
This is just a silly idea I had, of course it can’t be canonical, RT can’t side with EEEVIIILL naturally XD
but the human RT does keep getting won over by this mare everytime she lays on her so this does seem fitting ;) (Wink)
Okay there we go, all done! I hope you have liked this lot xx
sorry for the few delays that happened during it!
Written and illustrated by :iconrainbowtashie: