A large high-end comic commission for chris9801, featuring his character, Strawberry Glimmer, and Pun from the Ask Pun tumblr.
A follow-up to this bit:
Gone Batty by Gray–Day
To anticipate a few questions, this comic is set in an actual New Lunar Republic, a country in Equestria populated by bat ponies who live a nocturnal lifestyle (so they work and go on about their business during that time, hence the night scene here) and even have darkness lanterns to keep their streets nice and shady and protect them from the blinding sunlight. Those remain on the whole time, however, as it’s not really possible to turn them off. Pun was pretty ballsy to pull off a grand theft baked goods in broad moonlight.
Strawberry Glimmer, the NLR citizen depicted here, runs a little bakery and strawberry tarts happen to be her delicious speciality.